Dr. Deborah Wortham

The 2023-2024 School Year: The Best is Yet to Come!

Dear Roosevelt Union Free School District Community,

I hope this message fills you with anticipation and excitement as we prepare for another remarkable school year. It is my great pleasure, as the Superintendent of the Roosevelt Union Free School District, to extend a warm welcome to all our valued staff, dedicated students, and supportive community members. Together, we are about to witness the dawn of a new era as we proudly declare ourselves a District in "Good Standing!"

With the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, we embrace a resounding theme: "The Best is Yet to Come!" This theme encapsulates our unwavering belief in the limitless potential within every member of our school community. Together, we will continue to build upon our past achievements and strive for even greater success in the future.

I am delighted to welcome our new staff, students, and community members who have joined our remarkable "Triple A District." In the Roosevelt Union Free School District, we are guided by the pillars of "Assurance, Accountability, and Authority!" We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone is assured of their rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. We hold ourselves accountable for the highest standards of excellence in education and ensure our authority is exercised with integrity and transparency.

At the core of our mission, we remain dedicated to educating the whole child, nurturing their holistic development, and providing them with the necessary tools to thrive. Our unwavering commitment ensures that our students are healthy, safe, supported, engaged, and challenged. "We are Roosevelt! Empowered! Proficient and Globally Ready to succeed."

To promote unity and pride in our community, I would like to reiterate that the Roosevelt Union Free School District maintains a uniform policy. Starting from the first day of school, all students must wear their designated uniforms daily. This uniform policy fosters a cohesive learning environment, instills a sense of belonging, and prepares our students for the responsibilities they will encounter in the world beyond our classrooms.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, I encourage you to embrace every opportunity. Let us celebrate the diversity that enriches our District and set an atmosphere where everyone is valued, respected, and empowered to shine.

I look forward to witnessing the achievements and successes that this new school year will bring. Together, let us make the 2023-2024 academic year a truly remarkable and transformative experience for everyone involved. Remember, the best is yet to come!

Roosevelt Rising,

Dr. Deborah L. Wortham