
Dear Roosevelt Union Free School District Community,

With profound sorrow and deepest sympathy, the entire Roosevelt Union Free School District extends our heartfelt condolences to the Farmingdale School District community.

Today, my words are heavy with grief as we come to terms with the recent tragedy that has unfolded in our neighboring Farmingdale School District. In these moments of profound sadness, it is imperative that we unite as a community, offering unwavering support to those who are in need.

Throughout the annals of history, we have borne witness to the remarkable strength that emerges when compassion and unity prevail in times of adversity. With this powerful truth in mind, I extend an invitation to all students and staff within the Roosevelt Union Free School District to join hands with other Districts on Long Island in wearing the color green on Tuesday, September 26th. Green, a symbol of hope, growth, and renewal, represents our collective commitment to standing shoulder to shoulder with Farmingdale as they navigate this challenging chapter.

This seemingly simple yet profoundly meaningful gesture stands as a testament to the depth of our empathy, the strength of our unity, and the indomitable bond that defines our community. Through it, our staff, and students express their heartfelt support to our friends in Farmingdale, affirming that we are here for them and profoundly concerned about their well-being.

With unwavering solidarity,

Roosevelt Rising,
Dr. Deborah L. Wortham